Cats & Newspapers

“But, I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing, Father”, I said while praying. “I don’t get why this has to be so hard!” Then I just listened. Nothing. I listened some more. Nothing.

“If this is your plan, it’s not very much fun. Things aren’t going the way I thought that they would, you know. Why can’t you just tell me what your plan for me is???”, I said.

“I already did”, I heard a small, still voice say.

“Wait…What?”, I replied. “I never heard you tell me what the plan was?”

“Yes I did”, He said. “I told you what the end result was. I just didn’t tell you what the middle part of it was. I didn’t tell you what was going to happen while I was making the plan happen. Because if I did, you would bail out on me or try to control the plan. I can’t have that. Remember, it’s MY PLAN…..not yours.”

“You prayed for it and I put it into motion. Don’t expect it all to happen in a day. That’s not always the way I work. I need to prepare you for the blessing I am about to give you.”

Several years ago, there was a television program about a guy named Gary. It was called “Early Edition”. Gary lived in an apartment and had a cat. This was no ordinary cat, you see. Every morning, the cat would meow at the front door of Gary’s apartment and Gary would open the door to see the cat and a newspaper laying at the door. But, when Gary would pick up the newspaper to read it, he read about events that were supposed to happen later that day. It was like a magic newspaper as it foretold the future. Now, I’m not sure what Gary did for a living, but I never saw him go to work because he was always stressing and  trying to figure out ways to stop the bad stuff that was going to happen later that day. Personally, I would have just gotten rid of the cat and lived a normal life.

But Gary’s life was always in chaos every day because he knew exactly what was going to happen. I think that if we knew everything that God had planned for us, we would probably do things to alter those plans and mess it all up.

“You know that job you want so bad? I am setting it up for you and making sure that you are ready for it too.”

“You know that person you have been praying for a relationship with? They’re not ready for you and you’re not ready for them yet. I am working on it. Just trust Me and be patient. It will happen.”

“You know that family member who needs to get saved? They will and it will be the perfect time for it to happen.”

“So, just remember this. I know the plans that I have for you. They aren’t plans to make your life miserable or to mess your life up. They are perfect plans…ones that I designed especially for you. Plans to give you the hope and future you deserve, because I love you unconditionally.”

Sound familiar? It should. Jeremiah 29:11. You’re welcome.

It’s not about God’s plan for your life. It’s about your life for God’s plan.